The Campaign for a Safer Michigan has identified priority issue areas to reduce gun violence in Michigan:
In nearly every statistical category of gun violence, Michigan ranks above the national average, highlighting the need for action. The Michigan Legislature wasted no time passing life-saving gun violence prevention bills after the tragic shooting at Michigan State University, but that was just the beginning. Now, we must focus on addressing the root causes of gun violence so that across the state, all our communities are healthy and safe, and that all Michiganders have the resources that they need to thrive.
The issue of gun violence is not one that can be solved by a single organization or entity alone. It requires a collective effort, involving community leaders, nonprofits, businesses, government agencies, lawmakers, and concerned citizens, working together towards a shared goal. By joining forces, we can create a powerful ecosystem of advocates who are dedicated to implementing effective solutions. We endorse root cause solutions because the safest communities are those where people are the most secure in having their needs met.
The undersigned organizations urge Michigan lawmakers to take action to prevent violence in our communities through root causes solutions, including (strikethrough denotes accomplishments):
We believe that taking these steps will offer Michiganders everywhere the opportunity for life saving progress on a growing crisis of preventable gun violence, injury, and death.
Black Bottom Gun Club
Clean Water Action
Common Cause Michigan
Community Justice
Detroit Action
Detroit Hispanic Development Corporation
Emergent Justice
Equality Michigan
FORCE Detroit
March for Our Lives
Michigan Center for Youth Justice
Michigan Coalition on Black Civic Participation
Michigan Interfaith Power & Light
Michigan Organization on Adolescent Sexual Health (MOASH)
Michigan People’s Campaign
Michigan Unitarian Universalist Social Justice Network
Michigan United
Michigan Voices
Miigwech Inc.
MOSES Action
National Association of Social Workers Michigan
NextGen America
People’s Water Board Coalition
The Liberal Gun Club
We The People Action Fund
We the People of Detroit
Working Families party
Questions? Want to get involved? Email: lucius@progressmichigan.org